FFB Collection

Fighting Blindness: Handcrafted Artisan Jewelry for a Cause

Handcrafted artisan jewelry lovers can now get one-of-a-kind pieces for their collections while supporting the Foundation Fighting Blindess’s VisionWalk.

Foundation Fighting Blindness is a nonprofit organization researching prevention, treatment, and cures for retinal degenerative diseases that cause blindness, including Macular Degeneration and Retinitis Pigmentosa. FFB-funded scientists are innovative leaders in the development of highly promising genetic, pharmaceutical, cell-based, and nutritional therapies.

Why Lisa supports VisionWalk

Fighting blindness is a passionate cause for Pittsburgh artisan Lisa Parker. A member of her family who fervently supports On The Rocks Designs suffers from retinal disease. Lisa was inspired to create these handmade jewelry pieces to raise awareness and research funds for a gift that many people take for granted – their sight.

How it works

When you buy handcrafted artisan jewelry from the VisionWalk Collection, 50% of every purchase (minus sales tax) of these exclusive designs will be donated to the Foundation Fighting Blindness to help fund its research. 


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